We gather as a congregation
Sunday - 10:30am
Fellowship hour 11:45am
2324 18th Avenue, Rock Island, IL 61201
*Shuttle available *Nursery available
Phone – Church office – 2312 18th Ave – 309-788-4050
Mission Statement – Christ's servants embodying Christ's love and grace.
Worship, glorifying God and revering him, is a part of our mission as Christians. We were designed to be in a relationship with God and to worship God freely and joyfully.

We would love you to join us in any number of ways.
If you are looking to visit a worship service, join us on Sunday at 10:30 am in our new sanctuary. Worship is Gospel – centered, a blend of contemporary and traditional elements, and in a friendly relaxed atmosphere. Our primary goal is to glorify God, and we want to encourage as many people as possible to worship.
There are so many opportunities, and so many ways to discover and express faith. Take some time, browse through the site, and get to know us a bit. We’re glad that you decided to check us out. We’d love to get to know you, so feel free to come by.